Implement PBIS with DeansList

What is PBIS?

PBIS (also referred to as SW-PBS) is an approach for teaching appropriate behavior and developing a school's social culture.

PBIS is implemented differently at every school. Good PBIS programs are aligned to a school's individual needs and values.

With PBIS, the focus on positive-reinforcement and increasing (scaffolding) levels of rewards and consequences.

PBIS is About Consistency
Get everyone on the same page with DeansList

PBIS Emphasizes

  • Setting clear social expectations
  • Acknowledging and reinforcing positive behavior
  • Consistent consequences for problem behavior
  • Collection and review of behavior data to drive decision-making
  • Ongoing professional development to increase effective practices

How DeansList and PBIS Work

Set Expectations and
Reinforce Positive Behavior

With DeansList, teachers can easily track student behavior on their computers and tablets. Students automatically earn points for good behavior.

Enforce Consistent
Consequences and Rewards

Once a school's rules are programmed in, DeansList automatically knows which students have to serve consequences like detentions, office referrals or have letters sent home.

DeansList can also "scaffold" positive rewards like certificates, badges, and other recognitions.

Use Data to Drive Decision Making

Behavior reports and watchlists drive teacher and administrator decision-making.

Schools can create alerts and digests that are automatically e-mailed to teachers so they can stay on top of issues like absenteeism and referrals.

See More DeansList Solutions

Family Engagement
Schoolwide Behavior & Points
Referrals & Incidents

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